Quando piove siamo sempre pronte a ripescare dall'armadio quel vecchio paio di scarpe, o quel giubbotto che non ci piaceva un granchè, per non far rovinare dalla pioggia gli ultimi acquisti. Quest'anno però, a ripararci dalla pioggia ci aiuta Camomilla Italia. Il brand dedica una parte della sua collezione ad ombrelli, cappelli e stivali da pioggia. Il tutto in due fantasie principali: i pois, per rallegrare queste giornate uggiose e le rondini, utili a ricordarci che la primavera arriverà, così come il sole.
When it rains, we are always ready to take from the closet that old pair of shoes or that jacket which we don't like so much, in order not to spoil the last purchase by the rain. This year Camomilla Italia help us to find shelter from the rain. The brand dedicates part of its collection to umbrellas, huts and rain boots; the whole is in two main prints: the pois, to brighten these rainy day, and the swallows, helpful to remember us that spring will come like the sun.
When it rains, we are always ready to take from the closet that old pair of shoes or that jacket which we don't like so much, in order not to spoil the last purchase by the rain. This year Camomilla Italia help us to find shelter from the rain. The brand dedicates part of its collection to umbrellas, huts and rain boots; the whole is in two main prints: the pois, to brighten these rainy day, and the swallows, helpful to remember us that spring will come like the sun.
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