23 aprile 2013

Sometimes a Clutch has a Lot to Say! // Sophia Webster

Le clutches della collezione estiva 2013 di Sophia Webster hanno davvero tanto da dire. Dalla forma di una nuvoletta dei fumetti, riportano frasi quali "Hold Me", "Say Something", "Nothing to Say", "Say My Name", "Sweet Talk"e "Talk is Cheap".
Colorate, belle originali e spiritose, sono perfette per aggiungere quel tocco irriverente ai nostri outfit. Le trovate al prezzo di 408€ negli store e nei rivenditori autorizzati, qui, e online esclusivamente su Net-a-Porter.

The 2013 summer collection clutches by Sophia Webster have really a lot of things to say. They seems a cartoon bubbles with sentences such as "Hold Me", "Say Something", "Nothing to Say", "Say My Name", "Sweet Talk"e "Talk is Cheap". Colourful, beautiful, original and care-free, they are perfect to add a funny touch to our outfit. You can find them at the price of 408€ in the official stores and authorized resellers, here, and online exclusively at Net-a-Porter.

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